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Physiotherapist and Movement Specialist


Michael graduated from Glasgow Caledonian University with a BSc (Honors) degree in Physiotherapy in 2003 and has worked in Scotland as a sports and musculoskeletal physiotherapist for sports teams and athletes for 15 years.


In 2017 he graduated as one of the first Certified Running Technique  Specialists (CRTS)  of the  Running and exercise school  in London and joined in early 2019  The Foot Collective  as a "Foot Nerd" who specializes in foot and ankle health, helping people overcome chronic problems that originate in the foot. He is also a @thereadystate movement and mobility specialist.


In 2019 he moved to Austria and opened the Running and Movement school Austria, in which his physiotherapy work plays a major role.

Physiotherapy Specialities

  • Running analysis and retraining

  • Walking and functional movement analysis and retraining

  • Kinesio taping

  • Myofascial release

  • Manipulation of the sacro-iliac joint

  • Foot restoration / foot and ankle problems

  • Knee and Hip problems

  • Low back pain and disc prolapse rehab

Sports massage on leg

Specialist in the foot and ankle

The feet are the foundation of the body, a primary sensor for movement and quality of movement, as well as springs and cushioning for effective running technique.  Unfortunately, much of the population has weak, stiff feet, in part due to a lifespan of overdamped, overly stiff, and poorly shaped shoes, as well as other factors.  Michael has spent years learning the most effective techniques to restore and improve foot and ankle function so that his clients can regain pain-free and active lives.


Running technique as physiotherapy

Many people have injuries related to running, so it is logical to look at the running technique as a cause or major contributor to injury. In many cases, effective running technique and the strength, stability, and agility associated with strong, efficient running should be retrained. With a referral from your doctor, we can use a combination of physical therapy techniques and the running school method to solve your injury problem and come back stronger than ever.


Movement re-patterning

After an injury, surgery, stroke, or due to habitual movement, movement patterns will be disrupted and the body will try to compensate for movement and help recovery. Our role is to try to stimulate the nervous system and to retrain your movements in order to  leads you back to full fitness. The rehab  is progressive from basic movement education through functional neuromotor stimulation to dynamic movement development.

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